Donald Trump and Illma Gore
- Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana accused him of "raping" her three years previously.
- Things that Trump has said about women: for example 'Women are essentially aestheticly pleasing objects'.
- Trump regularly sends a photo of his hands to the Vanity Fair Editor with the length of his fingers outlined with a sharpie.
- He references his penis in TV interviews, ensuring people that there is 'no problem' with the size.
Lori Reid, the author of 'Your Health in Your Hands', has written that shorter fingers 'show a tendency to impatience, especially when it comes to pedantic or nit picking behaviour.
How can this all link to my project?
The massive presence that Donald Trump has in society is so large and the significance of his fingers is quite interesting. Trumps idea of Christianity must be severely warped if he thinks that he should fit into that category. Is Trump so significant today that his finger could be a relic ? What would happen if the only thing left of him in the future was his finger? I'm not at all comparing him to that of Saint Thomas, however, the fixation on his hands has made me wonder if I should create a reliquary containing Donald Trumps tiny fingers; a part of his body I'm sure he's be far too self conscious of to want as an artefact. I could perhaps make a stainglass window depicting a moment in Trumps campaign; these may have more obvious religious connotations as opposed to the zoetrope that has a less obvious setting. I want to be careful not to be too obvious/kitch though, as I don't want to receive death threats too!