
I had no idea what these 2D zoetropes were actually called until I did some research; they are actually referred to as phenakistascopes. All of these  phenakistascopes have such a comical feel to them; I think they will be perfect for what I am trying to accomplish. I could do studies of various relics and literally bring them to life in a light and funny way. To go a step further, I could refer to my Donald trump research and animate a narrative from his campaign. From studying these zoetropes I can see that there are so many little movements of animation that can be achieved; whether it's bobbing up and down, rolling, opening and closing, spinning, dropping objects etc. Animating something that has traditionally had no place in the animated world could be quite fresh; rather than simply drawing a drawing or painting a painting, I will be animating them and bringing them to life. 

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