Plans for reliquary
Above is a mood board of images of Catholic reliquaries to give me some inspiration for my own decorations. All seem to be golden, bejeweled and generally ostentatious. As mentioned earlier, the larger the reliquary corresponds to the relics' importance, so because I have 4 of the same relic should it be 4 times as exuberant? Perhaps I should mute the colours of the shrine to make a comment about the strange concept of worshipping an object with the 'slight chance' of it being magical. Maybe an aged cream colour, as if the gold has been washed away; along with the validity. The pairing of a dead, decayed body part with an illistrious golden shrine is quite paradoxical; as if compensating for something. I am not at all mocking the Catholic religion, however I am just asking questions about the blind worship of body parts in such an advanced society. I'm planning to take inspiration from these Catholic decorations as well as the work of Kris Kuksi and create an intricate model (reliquary) by hand, to house my relics.