Kris Kuksi

Hercules vs Diana.

Kuksi grew up in a rural and secluded area when growing up (as stated in his biography). His work is almost an explosion of the development of the industrial world. His work comments on the fragility of mankind and our obsession with materiality. His sculpture of many intricate parts assembled together, is an 'orchestral-like seamless cohesion that defines the historical rise and fall of civilization and envisions the possible future(s) of humanity.' 

In relation to my project, I think that this work is really quite inspiring to my idea of creating relics. The thought of creating complex sculptures that tell a story is quite exciting; I could do this in a series of intricate and ostentatious sculptures that fit together like a puzzle. This could echo the puzzle that is the remains of the Christian relics. Further research into the decoration of reliaquarys (decorations for relics) as perhaps I can make a collage of this imagery to inspire a sculpture of my own. As I've said in an earlier post, when researching the British museum, it seems that the more decorative the reliaquary, the higher its importance. Baring this is mind, I could create a relic themed sculpture that's decor is reflected in importance. I may begin with the relic of Saint Thomas's doubting finger (of which there are 4) create 4 of my own and quadruple the decoration in correspondence to the importance of the finger being so grand that there must be 4 of them! 

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