Religion in the secular world

Religion has lost a considerable amount of relevance in today's secular world. With the advancement in technology and our progression into the modern world, the idea of living by such outdated rules seems strange to me, however, I am fascinated by it. To start with, I would like to produce artwork that comments on the relevance/irrelevance of religion today and look at the obscure idea of worshiping relics (parts of religious people's bodies).

 I would also like to touch on the theories that science have proven to contradict the bibles miraculous events e.g. Evolution, metamorphosis the resurrection of Christ. The concept of materialisation and de-materialisation can be applied as the reality of the materialistic modern world meets the idealistic concept of religion.

 I am also studying American Gothic literature as part of my course; perhaps a gothic element can be encorporated into this work? It would provide further contextualisation as Gothisism in the medeaival period was very much influenced by religion (the puritans in America believed that they were people of God living in the Devils territory). I am very interested in how religion has influenced us in the past compared to its relevance now.I will have to experiment and try to come up with a way to bring religion into the modern world through sculpture and without crossing a line and becoming controversial; I am not at all mocking religion as much as purely being fascinated by it. 

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